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This review is from: Wreckage (Kindle Edition)
Sorry, just okay. I was halfway through it before I figured out all the messed up tenses and cases and it started making sense to me. Then the ending faded out into a whimper of DOH!
This was a Kindle First selection, and not something I would normally choose, if that helps with the tone of my experience.
This was a Kindle First selection, and not something I would normally choose, if that helps with the tone of my experience.
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Oh, gosh. This was voted a "less than helpful" review by 1 reader. Well, sorry about that. It's such a wreck of a book. So a bunch of people crash land on an island, get it on, most die, and when they're rescued they quick have to hide a horrible miserable life-altering secret. The chapters switch tenses and cases so fast and furious that I had almost finished the book before I figured it out.
Spoiler: The horrible secret was veiled in vague verbage, but it's actually quite lame and it turns out everyone knew it all along anyway. Sad.
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