Your New Year should include at least a couple of different things. Resolutions and/or Goals Rewards and/or Compensations I know you probably haven't really thought about either of those yet, but now that Christmas is out of the way it's time to get cracking on it. FREE WEBINAR - START NOW Resolutions and/or Goals First of all, you need a plan. I'm sure you've heard the ads from NordicTrack that incline training burns more fat faster than just about any other type of training. I have a NordicTrack incline treadmill myself, and I love it. But did you know that you can do the exact same type of training without one? Regular treadmills often go up to 15% incline and that's plenty steep enough for most training goals. You can also use stairs, box stepping, and hill running. I wrote a book about how to succeed at incline training, and I want you to have a free paperback copy of it worth $26.55 . That's the current price that Amazon is charging today ...