Do you know what it feels like to be tortured by your own mind?
The soft sobs came slowly, then quickly. The dark spaces between the trees echoed with it to my sensitive ears. Though surely they would have heard it by now. My knees hit the dirt as I toppled forward, hands gripping my head. It was the end of the world. And that end was me.
They spoke in a quiet whisper that didn’t come through the sounds of my own tears. Then Linda came through the trees, staggering and weaving a bit lost in the increasing darkness.
“I’m over here, to your left.” The words were strained, squeezed in between the gasps that fit between the aching pains of my heart that poured out my eyes.
She stumbled over and her hand grazed my face, found my hands and pulled them to her lips. She tasted my tears in her kisses. I pulled her in tight, to my chest, not an inch of space between us.
It hurt to have her so close, but it wasn't possible to push her away either. “Why are you doing this?”
Chapter 17, My Sweet Infected
Check back for the Kindle Countdown Deal, starting March 30 for only $.99 on Amazon
- My Sweet Infected (My Infected Book 1) – March 30 to April 5
I've stated several times now that Anime has been a strong influence on this dystopian young adult romantic triangle with zombies. I love seeing these little pictures on G+ and am happy to share them with you when I run across one that seems meaningful.
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