My Sweet Infected - Sample Chapter 21
“I guess we go on to the village.” Confidence did not go with my answer.
“And if it’s a trap?” He raised that eyebrow of his.
“I get to eat?” It was supposed to be a joke. It fell flat.
“Are you hungry?” Linda was still rocking, didn’t look up.
“A bit, yeah.”
“Do you need me? Just a little bit?” Her eyes drifted up from under her hair, met mine. She looked so tempting and tasty just then. Like the last time. It was a risk for me to look at her so open and accepting like that.
“I’ll wait till I’m desperate.” It was definitely a struggle to maintain composure. To maintain stillness. My heart was racing at the offer. Her blood smelled good to me, even from here. So sweet.
“If you’re desperate, you might not be able to control it.” She licked her lip with just the tip of her tongue. It called to me suddenly. Feverishly.
Anime themes were a strong influence in the writing of this dystopian young adult romantic triangle with zombies and a few wild twists and turns. 5-Stars on Amazon.
More Samples HERE
For Sale on Kindle, and available with the Amazon Prime Kindle Owners Lending Library and on Kindle Unlimited.
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